After awhile michelle decided she needed to get out of the house for some sort of excercise, naturally i suggested we go fishing, or in this case i fish and she watch since she has a bum casting shoulder. it was a beautiful day but unfortunately michelle spent most of the day watching me miss a butt load of hungry fish. between me and the fish we just could'nt get on the same page. they wanted my streamer and i wanted them to get my streamer. i did catch a few though. we did have a land owner cruise over to us on his quad and he was a quite pleasant old man and we chatted it up for about 20-25 minutes. he said he liked seeing people utilizing the river and enjoying it. he did make a comment about all the trash he finds on his property. anyway he wished us well and was on his way as were we. real nice day with michelle.
1 comment:
the camera and the phone dried out just fine scott
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