We couldn't have timed our annual 'boot' trip any worse. the last 2 weeks the weather was good and the fishing was outstanding, in fact the owner of the cabin we rent came down and was saying that a buddy of his caught 20 in one day. we got similar reports from the game wardens. anyway we got on the road monday morning before light and we got were pulled over within the first hour but after some b.s.ing with the cop we got our verbal warning and were on our way. my step-daughter has been non-stop about this four loco alcoholic energy drink so at some point in idaho i decided to see what all the fuss was about. for the record she has never tried one just talks about it all the time. it was probably the nastiest thing i have ever tried. it tasted like a mixture of alcohol, robitussin and fruit punch, it was brutal. i still decided to choke it down and in fact, for some godly reason, decided 2 pick up a few more of some other flavors. at 12% alcohol i was buzzing after 1 of them. we arrived at the cabin and while unpacking the truck i choked down another and was working on another when everyone, except me, got geared up for the last couple of hours of light (that shit tore me up). i didn't cause i thought i would just shoot some pics as they landed fish. well nothing even hooked and this is how the next fews days went. each morning was cold and snowing and by afternoon it was cold and clear, by evening it was cold with some snow as well. we had talked to a couple of game wardens and they had told us that the last 2 weeks the fishing has been lights out, bigger run then they've had the last few years, but when this cold snap hit a couple of days ago, low's in the single digits and high's in the low 30's, the fish shut down. in fact, one of the wardens said that on our last day there he had checked from the mouth of the south fork up about 25 miles that he had checked almost 100 anglers and only saw 2 fish. i did manage to hook one but it was quickly lost. it was a bummer of a trip that involved way to much eating, drinking games, numb feet, hangovers, a snapped loop rod(mine) and lots of randoms pics. overall i think everyone enjoyed being there anyway even though the fishing was garbage. the morning we left was the coldest morning with lots of snow coming down and big chunks of slush floating down the river. the drive home ws a disaster. i don't know how many vehicles we saw off the road including about 1/2 dozen jackknifed semi's (the one pictured is as we just got on the road), we even went off the road into the median, but we were able to get back out. it was the worst storm i can remember being in. we drove 25 mph all the way from burley, idaho to tremonton, utah. the 9 1/2hr. trip ended up being a 13hr. trip of trecherous roads and weather. mother nature kicked our ass!