Got a message from ken (softhacke) that he was gonna fish wednsday as well so agreed to meet at mickey d's and head locally. unfortunately there was a major accident on main street and I-15 and because of these accidents traffic was backed up everywhere. it normally takes me bout 20 minutes to get to the canyon, but because of traffic it took me an hour and 45 minutes, so that killed some of our time on the river. when we both already had a deadline to be off the river the traffic really sucked. we got to the river and the river was looking pretty good. the flows were a little up and the water had just a little tint to it. a few holes up we started hitting some fish with streamers and although the day was slow it still was consistent. a few hits, a few lost fish, 1 or 2 caught. nothing big but it still was an enjoyable to get out and since i hadn't fished with ken before, it made for a good day. it always nice when you hook up with someone for the first time that they aren't a total dipshit.
looks like today was awsome, wish i didnt have to work, i have a descent pic of your fish the other day..
Looks like a great day was had fellas!
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