4:30 AM sure does come early. my alarm went off at this time so that i could get on the road by 5 and make it to meet dave by 9.we both arrived at our meeting point a little early and i already had the beers going down. i leave my jeep and ride from there with dave to the lake. we unload the boat and cruise on down to where dave wants to start. after i left my jeep i realized that i had forgot my polarized but decided to hell with it i'll be fine. i was fine except for the misfortune, or fortune, i guess how you look at it, that within about 6 casts will teasing my popper through the lilly's a big pike hammered my fly and started bull dogging me. as i thought i was gaining some ground on him he took off away from the boat mowing down lilly pads like a mower through grass and then it happened, my line went limp. my popper was gone and my steel leader was sheared. dave said it was the biggest pike he had ever seen in there and thought it would have gone 10lbs. and i never even to to see him cause i couldn't see into the water without my shades. another crushing fishing moment. we hit a good chunk of the ing.small lake pounding the shoreline and lilly pads. we took roughly 8 or so pike ranging from 12-28". we next made a detour to another lake that has a good amount of tiger musky planted in there to help control the squawfish. we saw several big tiger's hanging along submerged trees but couldn't turn any heads. our time on that lake was short lived and decided to keep at the pike but head to a different lake. when we arrived at our 3rd and final destination it was about 5:30pm and thought that maybe in the last few hours of light the fish would get a little more active. not till about 7 did we finally start hitting fish there and once we did it was pretty consistant till about 8:30 and we were off the water at 9. i still had a 3 1/2 hr drive home so i had had enough. the weather for the most part treated us well and it ended up being a pretty decent day of fishing.
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