Myself and scott made the drive north to to hike into some different higher elevation lakes. when we got to the trailhead we noticed still quite a bit of snow on the trail and as we were reading the trailhead board we read a note posted by the forest service that the lower lake was still completely iced up and since we were trying to get to the upper lake so we didn't even try. after some contemplation we chose to head back a little south and make the hike elsewhere. after arriving at that trailhead the first thing i noticed was no snow. a couple of weeks ago there was still plenty. once at the lake we chose to fish our way down the northside since i had had luck there last time. scott landed a couple of nice cutts including one that had virtually no spots, pretty unique. i on the other hand got my ass handed to me this time. we made it almost to the backside where the fishing really took a shit on us so we turned back around and fished our way back. as we arrived back to where the trailhead meets the lake we ran into a lady who is a contractor for the forest service. she and her dog were just making the rounds up there making sure everything was kosher around the lake. we sat and talked to her for about a half an hour gathering info on some of the other lakes along the highway. after she left i started to fish just below the outlet of the creek coming out of the lake. last time i didn't move a fish in there this time i took several including one real nice cutt running around 16-17". i don't know if the weather had affected the fish in anyway but the morning started off beautifully, then it started to blow, hail and drop a little rain on us, then the sun came back out and it was nice again. even though it is now summer, it is still spring at higher elevations.
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