Since i have been back from iraq i have been sick so later in the evening after making arrangements to fish with jerry i contemplated cancelling, but it was mere contemplation. i brought back some sort of crud giving me all sorts of body aches and leaving me really fatigued. we had decided to meet at silver creek, the usual spot and head east down hwy 40 with no definates as to where we would fish. we would scope out some water and go from there. option A was running a little high and off color and according to jerry it has been slowly dropping so i would say another couple of weeks and it should be fishing killer again. we drove by another stream that look great, obviously run-off was done with this piece of water, but we opted to keep driving and check out some other fishy stuff. the section of river that we fished had us fishing to totally different types of water. up to the left spillway was running pretty fast but clarity was premium and between the spillways was almost like fishing frog water in all of the choice holes in that stretch. fishing was tough in both kinds of water with only one fish caught by either of us. not exactly what i had envisioned when i woke up this morning. at about noon we got back into the jeep and started to head back west on 40 with a coupleof different things in mind. i have heard about this certain lake that i have wanted to fish for sometime now and made a call to make sure i had the directions right. when we got up there there were about a half dozen toons on the water and maybe a half dozen shore fisherman, including myself. jerry decided he was going to stay in the jeep and sleep so not sure how to fish the lake i threw the same streamers that were working on the brookies this past fall since that is what i had hanging on my roof. i only fished for roughly 30 minutes before the weather came and kicked me off. i did have a couple of follows but no takes. with jerry sleeping and me not feeling good i decided it was time to head home. we did stop by some other water to check out and it was in prime shape but doesn't open till july so we called it a day.
nice grumpy. like the blog, keep up the good work.
Mike get your indian permit. You wont be disapointed downstream.
mine is still good till july i think
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