Sunday, February 26, 2012

11 Rounds with Mike Tyson

At least that's the way i felt during todays bout. i got hit so many times i was left bloody and beatn' and generally ass whooped. o.k. maybe it was quit that extreme but man did i get hit a lot. the water again was low and clear, as i expected it to be. white seemed to be the meal ticket, with yellow getting a little love but not enough for me to stick with. after throwing some olive as well and not even getting a noticeable look i was back to white and got hit a few more times. after yesterdays brutal winds and cold today was quite pleasant.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Frickn' Wind

I can't stand hanging out at the house bored and since michelle had a baby shower to go to i went to the river for a couple of hours. it's the first time i've seen the wind blowing up the canyon instead on down. in fact i had to turn my back to the wind quite a bit cause those gusts were insane. it sucks to try find your line with your stripping hand when the wind is blowing it all over the place. not only was it windy but it was freezing ass cold, i mean cup your balls repeatedly cold. luckily for me i didn't fish anymore then 2 hrs.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Hatchery Hold Over

within the first 5 minutes of fishing after work i hooked into a solid fish and once i saw it was a rainbow i was just asking it to please have all of it's fins. nope, both pec fins were nubs, obviously a hatchery fish that hadn't been bonked yet by the local bait dunkers. that sucks cause it was a good looking and healthy fish otherwise. i had fished for about 2 hrs and caught 2 other fish as well. a 19" brown and another brown that took in the shallows right off the bank. i had it in my hands 5 or 6 tines but it wouldn't stop thrashing around and i could'nt keep a grip so no picture. it was definately over 20". bummer cause it was a good looking buck. the water was great for about the first hour and a half but then you could see the levels rising a bit and the water muddying up pretty good and i seemed to stop hitting fish so i called it an evening.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Winter Reminder

Yes it is still winter as mother nature let us know. after almost 2 weeks of pleasant spring type weather, today we got snow, cold blowing snow. the drive to pick up chris was fairly nasty and after picking him up it just got worse. a couple of cars had slid off the road and yet some crazy bastards were passing us like it was nothing. we spent the day braving the elements and even had a sheriff stop by to check on the fishing and called us extreme for being out there but it didn't seem so extreme to us. we were hoping for some sizeable fish but only pulled a couple of small fish. after wearing that spot out we drove elsewhere and didn't do any better.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Beaver and the Finger......

.......Seemed like the highlights of the day. when me and scott arrived the sun was out and the temp's were a bit chilled but it looked like the makings of a perfect day. it was a streamer day and the day started off a bit slow but slowly started picking up. scott was throwing thru a nice little hole when as he was striping his streamer back to him we noticed something big floating thru the hole just under the surface. at first i thought it was a huge fish but then we both realized it was a beaver. of course it swam right into scott's streamer and it was on, short lived but on. as scott's line was ripping off his reel the beaver never even batted an eye. it continued to swim under some over hanging shrubbery and scott was forced to bust his fly off. the day continued with occasional hookups and fish but we couldn't land anything of size, we missed a few but couldn't get em' . on the way home, as we arrived in town, some old lady ventured out into the turn lane but never slowed down to let me get by her and she didn't speed up to get past me. as i continued going the speed limit she ran out of room on the turn lane and just cut me off, so i raised up my hands like WTF lady and then i saw her hand come up. i was thinking did she just flip me off? she quickly slowed down and pulled off the road and as i drove past i looked at her and the 70ish year old lady flipped me off again, awenery ass old lady. she got back behind me and as i stopped at the light i saw her hand come up again. apparently she didn't realize that as on coming traffic she did not have the right of way, but obviously she felt she did and that letme know it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blue Wings are Poppin'

Yesterday was the first day of the short year that i've seen blue wings out and about. coincidentally it was the most risers i've ever seen on this river. it made me wish i was toting a lighter rod, smaller tippet and a box of small dries but the reality is i was toting my #6, 10lb. tippet and a box of streamers. even though i found enough players to keep me entertained, i had an itch to throw dries. i also wish i had brought my macro lense with me. maybe next time.