I went back to the urban fishery to try a section i hadn't fished in a minute. my first cast had me hooked into a decent fish but it was short lived. there were a few risers up above me but i could not get any of them to eat. but up above them a really nice fish ate and then came raising towards me so at first i wasn't sure of it's quality, size that is. as it raced by me i got a good look and was glad that i remembered my net today. it was truly a nice fish and i hadn't landed any of the bigger fish i have hooked in this stream. this one i finally got to the net and it measured a real nice 19". my biggest to date on this water, most fish i catch here are 12-16". i was pretty damn stoked. i skipped past a short section of water that has never produced anything for me and then came to one of my honey holes. missed a couple of smaller fish then right off the bank another really nice fish took my purple haze and got his acrobats on. 5 jumps later and that colored up beauty was in my net, 18" solid inches and my day was just getting better. well i had hoped to get into another tank or 2 but no such luck. i did however get into a lot more fish but of the smaller variety. actually i did lose one more good fish, not quite as big as my 2 big ones but a really nice fish none the less. i was moving up to some pocket water, stripped some line out, plopped my haze right down in front of me, within 10ft., i then tried to pick up my fly to cast it and it was solid. a fish had sucked it down right in front of me and as it bolted down stream, the line that was hanging down flew up and around my wrist and rod handle resulting in no slack in the line and a busted off fly. that one had me butt hurt a little but what can you do. it was a pretty good numbers day and i landed 2 of the biggest fish there. a good day for sure.