Cause the purple haze put on a clinic today. drove right into the heart of grizzly country armed with some dry flies and a couple bottles of bear spray. got to the creek about 9 this morning and as i expected no one was around. as i was rigging up some old guy pulled up and asked which direction i was heading so that he could fish the opposite. i fished here a couple of weeks ago and could tell that the water had come down since then, probably a couple of feet. some of the holes that i fished last time were now stagnate but some of the water that was a bit torrid then were now looking good so it all worked out. i started with a purple haze and that's how i finished. it was on fire so there was really no need to change although i did change once to a hopper but after a handful of casts and no looks i switched back and never looked back. i fished up probably bout 2x as far as i did the last time i fished it and only turned back when i got tired of climbing over and crawling under all the washed out trees that were strewn all over the creek. i took 1 small brook early on then it was all cutts from there. the fish ranged from 8-14 inches. the weather was great and the company was exceptional.........me, myself and this guy.
You can't go wrong with a Purple Haze. It's my go to fly lately.
Nice Post! Sounds like a fun day for sure.
Ironically I have been tying some purple parachute Adams' (purple haze?)lately. Now I just need to find the time to fish them... hopefully with you. I will leave the .22 rifle at home though ;)
thanks gents! scott i look forward to it.
That's some gorgeous water
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