Fall is definately my favorite time of the year. the reds, oranges and yellows litter the trees with brilliance. as much as i love the fall colors the fishing is usually shit hot as well. myself, pat and john made our way over the pass with anticipation of big cutts and browns slurping our presentations. first thing that we noticed when we got to the river was that is was quite a bit lower then the last time me and pat were there. no worries, the fish should still be willing. as it has it, they were, all 5-9 inches of them. WTF?! where did the 15-20 inch fish go? it was a dinks only day. well that wasn't worth missing football sunday for so we headed back to thetruck and meandered over to another usually kick ass river. cast after cast after cast and fly after fly and where the hell did all the fish go? hoppers, stones, caddis, grumpy frumpy's, beetles and trudes and only a couple of small risers. back to the truck and drive up river some more. pat went downstream and me and john fished up. it wasn't till we were just about done when i casted to seam behind a boulder and as my yellow basin hopper drifted towards me i coulda swore i saw a dark figure followingit down. a couple more casts andsure as shit here comes the size of fish we had been expecting and looking for. he grabs my hopper and dead bolts down stream into the heavier current and goes right for a snag. i was able to horse him out but as soon as i got him out of the snag and thought that i had one, my knot gave way at the fly. man i hate missing opportunites when they are so few and far between. that was the only good fish action between the 3 of us. so on a sunday that i should've stayed home and followed my fantasy football teams, thefishing sucked, the seahawks lost and the mariners lost. today sucked! even though the fishing didn't pan out it is always good to be out on the river soaking in the colors, scenery and the peace and quiet.