So at work we started 12 hr. shifts for the week and instead of sleeping in i took the short drive to a certain spot that i hadn't fished in awhile on the web. i love fishing weekdays when i can cause there is hardly anybody ever out. i rigged up a rod with a heavy sink line and steamer andsince the browns have started their spawn i rigged another with egg patterns. It was quite chilly this morning with frost on the ground and steam coming off the water. it looked quite nice but was to cold for me. anyway i fished a couple of holes andruns that had produced before with no luck until i came to a big deep hole that seems to attract the bait chuckers. this hole is to deep to nymph properly so i grabbed the streamer rod and started chucking. didn't take long before i was into my first fish. not much of a fighter so it was quickly into my net. took it on a streamer i had just tied up for a swap. as i continued my way up stream i started noticing reds and some of which were occupied with spawning browns. although i did not persue any fish that were on these reds i did harrass the fish by trying to do my best ninja routine and stock up on them to snap a pic. even coming from straight behind them they seem to know i was there so i could only get so far before they bolted into deeper water. the next run held two different reds with no fish on them, i thought maybe they could be around somewhere since i switched to my other rod equipped with a double egg set up and let em' fly. i was quickly into another fish but just as quickly my bottom egg came undone. tied another egg on and netted a real nice brown. snapped a few pics and off it swam. i ventured up into unchartered territory for me going further up river then i previously had. a lot of the water seemed more suitable for streamers so stashed the nymph rod in the bushes so i didn't have to carry it around if i wasn;t really going to use it much. i had a few more follows, a few more hits, a few more fish on (briefly) and landed a couple more fish. all in all it wasn't to bad of a day, a little slow but still fun.