Since i came home from idaho last night instead of this morning i had a little more time to hit a particular river. last summer before i went to iraq i was fishing this section of river and kicked up half-dozen trout that i thought would be in the 20" mark. this surprised the shit out of me cause the river is not big or deep and i had been catching 13-14" fish the entire time i was there. i never could get them to take my fly and since that day i have been itching to head back there. even this nmorning as i was driving i was tossing around 3 different places to fish but finally decided on trying to conjure up one of these brutes if in fact they were still around. i arrived at 10am and as usual there was nobody in sight. i had recently bought my girlfriend a new echo rod and since she hadn't used it yet i decided i would give it a try. i started off with an orange and black stone on top with a bead head dropper. 5 casts into the day, right along a ledge in the run and the water exploded at my fly. water exploding at my fly became the theme for the day. a real nice cutt, my biggest there yet, came to hand. the whole time i was working my way upstream all i could think about was getting to the run where i saw those big fish last year. as i was wading up to the next good looking piece of water i noticed the river had taken a little different look. what used to be the main channel was now a trickle and the main channel had moved over a little bit. at the top of this run was a nice little hole that had a little depth to it. before i made another cast i went ahead and took off my dropper, cause i really only was hoping to catch them on top. i threw my first cast to the left seam of this little hole and a big fish took out my stone dry and he immediately came flying out of the water, i could see that this was by far bigger then anything i had seen in there. i worked him close to my feet and then he headed out into the current again. now my dumbass should've just let him slip down the current about 20 feet and then tried to get him back into slower water, but being the dumbass that i am i decided that i ddin't want to follow this fish down the current so i tried to horse him into the slack water that i was standing in. that did not work out to well for me as the hook came flying out and down the riffle this big brown went. that one haunted me for awhile. shit! i regrouped and a couple of cutties later i was at the run that i had been thinking about for the last year. as i was fishing the bottom of the run i spooked up a couple of smaller fish. there is a sharp bend in this run and all the current was slamming the water into this undercut bank. i made my cast and landed my fly about 2 feet from the bank. the fly moved a foot toward the bank and a big fish came up and hit my fly, ahhhhh......i missed. luckily for me he was feeling froggy and 3 casts later he devoured it. as soon as i set the hook the acrobats started and the fight was on. a short fight and a few snapshots later and this big brown was swimming away. that fish made my day and help me forget about the big one that i lost earlier. i fished my way up a total of 4 hours fishing before the fished just seemed to lose any interest in playing so i slowly fished my way back to the jeep with no other fish to hand. this was probably my best day this year. lots of nice cutts and a couple of sweet browns made for a killer day.