Myself and scott had a pretty solid day throwing hoppers. the day was going pretty well and the fish were readily smashing hoppers when i approached a deep hole and watch a big fish and a small dink come flying out of the water with the big fish in hot pursuit. not sure if the little guy got away or not but it was amusing to watch. it got me thinking that since i didn't have my streamers with me and if the fish were willing to chase then maybe they would chase a stripped hopper. cast that hopper out and strip it fast like a streamer and game on. we hammered quite a few fish doing this. interesting! all cutts today, was surprised that we didn't pick up any browns today.
Man it looks like I missed out. Awesome outing guys!
yes you did pat
Is that a Bamboo in your mouth? If it is what taper?
that's a sage launch in his mouth.....not bamboo
Trip was a blast. That's definitely not bamboo in my mouth.
Good stuff Mike!
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