Since austin already has to do summer school i deemed it o.k. to let him miss friday and come fishing with me instead. there was some water that i wanted to hit before i left for the sandbox so with austin in tow we arrived to already find a couple of cars there, which surprised me since it was a week day. hardly find cars there on a weekend, then again the weather is getting nicer. when we showed up the wind was already cooking and i contemplated not even dealing with it and going to another area i wanted to fish. i stuck it out and austin was doing good. i started with streamers but about 1/2 into it i switched to nymphs since i do better nymphing there anyway. as i was approaching my honey hole i saw that there was somebody else already fishing it. we walked around him and up a bit just to find 3 more people fishing a bend i wanted to hit. at this point the wind was really pissing me off and i chose to just walk up to the last holes and hope there was nobody there as well. the 2 holes were empty but i only mustered 1 fish from each. from there we headed back in the direction of home and stopped by another piece of water hoping the wind would be void there, wrong answer. we were there for maybe 3 hours before austin's constant complaining, whinning and mopping go the best of me. i left him there and i do hope he is o.k. but no telling. haha, just kidding we did leave but that sucked cause the fishing was lights out so i'm hoping to get back down there tommorrow with the wife