Day 1- corey does some website stuff for different
shops and outfitters so he gets some perks with
that. as luck would have it he invited me to meet
up with him and his dad garret and stay the weekend
and fish with them and a guide. hell yea i was up for
the challenge. corey had bought a drift boat over
the winter and this was the first time it was getting
some river action. there was actually 3 boats that
were in our little group, corey and me in his boat,
garret and the guide in the guides boat and then
and then the other boat was another guide, a friend
of corey's, and 2 clients. i offered to take over for corey
on the sticks, since i had rowed once or twice, so that he
could fish as well but he just wanted to row and get a
good feel for the boat and mimic what the other guides
were doing. corey did a great job on the sticks but
unfortunately the fish were not cooperating. i missed
1 or 2 fish throwing different dry patterns before
the guide rowing garret gave me a small pmx pattern
that was producing for garret. i landed a beautiful
brown on the pattern and then the rest of the day
was spent landing a few dinks. garret landed a few nice
fish and the 2 clients in the other guide boat were not
doing so well. we stopped about mid-way for a shore side
lunch and surprisingly the guide with the clients fed all
of us, which to me was very unexpected. after lunch me
garret switched boats so that corey could row his dad.
as i said, the rest of the day for me consisted of dinks
but garret managed to net a couple more nice fish. as we
neared the take-out i was more then ready to be done.
i am not used to fishing off of a boat and when you don't
row, all you do i fish and my wrist was absolutely killing
me. it was a double digit float and all that constant casting
really did me in. you can't beat being guided for free though.
on the drive from the take-out back to the shop corey heard
something, looked out his side view mirror and says....what
the hell was that? he saw something bouncing down the road
wondering if something came off the boat or if he ran over
something. he pulled over and ran back to where he saw it and
then came back with one of my loop reels. i had left it on his
truck bumper and it came off at about 65mph and bounced
down the road like a basketball. guess i'll take it to work this
week and smoothed out all the high metal. it's got some nasty
scars now but is still round and reels just fine.

Day 2- we were supposed to fish with another
guide on saturday but he had some issues going
on and couldn't swing it so we ventured on our
choosing some smaller water and staying on foot.
we started lower on the ruby where i nailed a nice
brown on my 3rd cast. garret chose to fish close
to where we had parked and throw some sub-
surface stuff, coming up empty handed, while
me and corey fish our way up delivering meat
to the doorsteps of many trouts. me and corey
only landed a couple in that section but turned
a lot of heads. we all met back at the jeep for some
lunch then drove to the upper section. the fishing
was quite slow. i did land a really nice rainbow but
as i was holding my leader with one hand and
reaching for my camera with the other the 'bow'
starting flopping around and spit the hook before
i could snap any pics. i took my first whitie on a
streamer and had a big bastard explode on my
fly as it hit the water, had him on for a split second
and gone. about that time a nasty storm rolled in
and we made it back to the jeep just as the wind
and rains made their presence known.

Day 3- corey and garret decided they were going
to head home in the morning since the fishing was
less then stellar and i decided i would hit the ruby
for a few hours before my drive back to missoula.
i got to the pull out and i was fortunate to be the
first on the water. it was a no brainer for me as to
was i was going to throw at the fish. streamers of
course. i threw white, olive and a yellow pattern,
all moving fish with white being the least productive.
i switched area a couple of time, coming back to
almost where i had started. i only landed 3 fish but
i sure did move a ton of fish. 12:30, 12:45 and i was