I had the opportunity to get out one last time before heading back over to play in the giant sand box for awhile.originally i was to meet up with corey and mark but mark ended up sick and couldn't play. nich decided to come out and join us. we headed to one of the usual spots on the weber and as it has been the past few outings, it sucked. between the 3 of us we could'nt catch one trout only a couple of whitefish. me and corey met up at 9am and fished our way down river from the bridge then nich met up with us at noon and the 3 of us fished our way up river from the bridge. the water was great, the air cold and crisp, the skies were blue and there was no wind so at least the weather cooperated with us. considering how the fishing has been for me i think this is a good time for me to leave. at least when i get back the streamer fishing should be killer and it will be just about hopper time. i can't wait!
Due to overheating issues with my jeep i had to keep it close to home. met up with nich at noon on the web. i went armed with 2 rods, one rigged with a streamer(for shits & giggles) and the other with a midge/baetis dry set up. nich was nymphing so we had it all covered. we only fished for about 4 hours and there was not much going on. i eventually switched to nymphing cause nothing else was happening. nich ended up getting 1 brown on an egg and missed a couple more fish. i spent the day casting and taking a few pics.
retired from the air force april 1st 2011 after 22yrs and 1 month. am no longer contracting in saudi arabia. now just looking for work and fishing as much as i can until then.
From Native Fish Society March 2025 Eugene Water and Electric Board
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