Man 5am came early! i'm am still in the final stages of moving so i was up late trying to get some things in order in the new house. as i was loading up my jeep i noticed that michelle had packed me a lunch which i found odd since i have never had a girlfriend do that for me. i think she is setting a trap and when the ring is on her finger i am screwed, kidding. anyway i picked up corey at the usual spot and we headed to coalville to meet up with pat. we made the 3hr. drive east and when we got to our destination we were pleasantly surprised by no wind, one of the few times i have fished there with absolutely no wind. we fished a few different sections but were really limited on areas to fish due to ice on the river. the 3 of us gave it a solid effort but once again the fishing was tough with only corey bringing a fish to hand. such is life and we will hopefully give another area a try shortly.