Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Teeny Flash Fly

body-ginger pheasant tail
wing-hot pink pheasant tail under pearl krystal flash

20 Incher

This has been probably my most productive stone here in utah. it's a killer pattern.
tail-black goose biots
body-4 strands of peacock herl ribbed with oval gold tinsel/wire
shellback-pheasant tail
thorax-hares ear dubbing

Hot Wire Caddis

body-rust colored wire
shellback-flat black floss pulled over every 4th or 5th wrap of wire
wing-2 white goose biots tied in like a prince nymph then a few strands of pearl krystal flash on top.
dubbing-chocolate antron wool
head-silver bead

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random Streamer

tail: olive marabou

body: olive pearl chenille palmered with olive died grizzly hackle

feelers: olive died grizzly hackle tips

eyes: barebell

head: olive ram's wool

Golden Stone

tail-black goose biots

body-orange sow/scud dubbing

rib-black jelly rope

thorax-peacock herl

wing case-turkey flats

legs-black floss

CDC Loop Wing Emerger

tail-partidge fibers
body-light dun turkey biot
wing-olive cdc (long), tied in before the thorax then pulled over and tied off
thorax-sparkle hares ear dubbing

Hot Wire Prince

tail- black goose biots

body- any 2 colors of small wire that you want

thorax- peacock herl

collar- hungarian partidge

wing- white goose biots

Blue Moon (variation)

Tail - black yak hair and blue flashabou

Body - lots of lead over which is 2 to 3 plumes of marabou, depending on the fullness of each plume, rolled over the shank.

Collar - blue schlappen hackle under gadwall

Head - black/blue simi seal used as filler behind the cone.

Slumpbuster w/legs

Tail-grey zonker strip tied matuka style

Body-black diamond braid

Collar-brown rabbit strip wrapped 2 turns


Head-gold cone

Coquihalla Orange

Tag-Flat gold tinsel

Tail-Orange dyed golden pheasant tippets

Butt-Black ostrich herl

Rib-Small silver oval tinsel

Body-Rear 2/3 orange floss, front 1/3 orange dubbing

Collar-Orange schlappen hackle

Wing-White over orange kip/calf tail


This is the fly i tied a few years back for my first fly swap.

-red thread

-spin orange marabou

-tie in a few strands of flashabou

-spin cherise marabou

-tie in a few strands of krystal flash

-wrap a purple schlappen hackle

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pre-Deployment Outing

I had the opportunity to get out one last time before heading back over to play in the giant sand box for awhile.originally i was to meet up with corey and mark but mark ended up sick and couldn't play. nich decided to come out and join us. we headed to one of the usual spots on the weber and as it has been the past few outings, it sucked. between the 3 of us we could'nt catch one trout only a couple of whitefish. me and corey met up at 9am and fished our way down river from the bridge then nich met up with us at noon and the 3 of us fished our way up river from the bridge. the water was great, the air cold and crisp, the skies were blue and there was no wind so at least the weather cooperated with us. considering how the fishing has been for me i think this is a good time for me to leave. at least when i get back the streamer fishing should be killer and it will be just about hopper time. i can't wait!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Random Ties

I really enjoy tying so here are a couple random things i've been tying

2008 Top 10

Just a collection of my top/best 10 fish of the year.

Back Yard Quickie

Due to overheating issues with my jeep i had to keep it close to home. met up with nich at noon on the web. i went armed with 2 rods, one rigged with a streamer(for shits & giggles) and the other with a midge/baetis dry set up. nich was nymphing so we had it all covered. we only fished for about 4 hours and there was not much going on. i eventually switched to nymphing cause nothing else was happening. nich ended up getting 1 brown on an egg and missed a couple more fish. i spent the day casting and taking a few pics.